10 People to Write a Letter to Right Now

Credit: Becky Harlan/NPR

As I write this blog, the sky outside my office window is that kind of flat gray that seems to simultaneously go on forever but also be close enough to touch. It’s giving English moors, afternoon tea, sit in the parlor and pen a letter to your sister at Netherfield. 

As a fervent and enthusiastic word nerd, I have a great depth of nostalgia and romanticism for the almighty letter. In this day and age, we don’t really fit letters or letter writing into our daily lives. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like the only letters I get lately come in (admittedly) pretty, sparkly envelopes encouraging me to get a credit card OR their arguably less pretty cousins reinforcing exactly why I should NOT have gotten that credit card.

In any case, I still hold fast to my faith in snail mail. Letters can and have changed the world. They connect us in a warm and special way. I don’t know a single person, young or old, who doesn’t get that fluttery, excited pep in their step coming back from the mailbox with a gen-u-ine letter in hand. 

With all that in mind, here are ten people you can send snail mail to right now!

  • Say Hi to Grandma!

Or your favorite great uncle down in Florida or someone else you probably don’t call enough (sorry, Gran!). Ask for their stories, and let them fill you in on your own history. I’d be willing to bet that they would be over the moon to receive that letter, and you will gain so much by hearing what they have to say.

  • That Instagram Friend You’ve Never Met in Person

It is wild how social media has brought the ends of the world together to meet. Thanks to Instagram, I now have friends that I consider very close who I’ve never met in person. If you’ve got an Instagram bestie in London, Nepal, or Narnia, send them a personalized letter! A handwritten letter can bring so much warmth and intimacy to a conversation and can give your long-distance friendship an extra unique quality.

  • An Overseas Pen Pal

As scary as this may seem, there are resources available to help people safely connect with pen pals all over the globe! Pen pals present amazing opportunities to connect with people you would likely otherwise never get the chance to meet. It gives you a chance to learn about someone else’s culture, hopes, stories, and so much more. For a deeper dive into the benefits of pen pals and how to find one, you can start here.

  • Club di Giulietta

This one is for the romantic in the crowd. You may have seen this idea in the movie “Letters to Juliet”, but did you know this is a real thing? Thanks to the Juliet Club based in (of course) Verona, Italy, you can lay your heart down on a piece of paper and send it to our favorite dramatic heroine. Every single letter sent to the Juliet Club is read, translated, answered, and then archived in a one-of-a-kind collection of love stories. Their dedication to letter writers has spanned almost 100 years, and now you can tell your story, too. Send your letter to: 


Vicolo Santa Cecilia 9, 37121

Verona – Italy

  • Your Introvert Friend

Or just that friend that responds to your text message three weeks later (it’s me; I’m that friend). For people that communicate a little differently, like introverts or people who just have trouble texting regularly, a handwritten letter might be the exact right way to keep in touch with them. With letter writing, the conversationalists (that’s you) have time and privacy to ruminate on the message they have received and thoughtfully construct their response. Letters take the pressure off of the conversation because there’s no rush. No one expects to get a letter response immediately like they do a text. They don’t call it snail mail for nothin’.

  • Do Some Good

There are so many people that you could impact by simply writing some kind words and affixing a stamp. From veterans and soldiers to nursing homes and children’s hospitals, the possibilities abound. Send a letter of encouragement, a thank you note, or a joke. Send anything, because the real good of a letter is that someone knows that you were thinking of them. Need a place to start? Clicking one of the links below is a great step one.

Letters to Soldiers and Vets:

Letters to Kids:

Letters to the Elderly

Letters to Prisoners

Letters to Everyone!

  • Say What You Need to Say

Maybe it’s time to forgive that person you’ve been holding over the coals. Maybe you’re the one that needs forgiveness. Write a letter to express the things you haven’t been able to say. Tell your apartment maintenance team how much you appreciate them, reach out to a friend you’ve lost contact with, and tell them how much their friendship has meant to you. Mend a relationship, tell someone you love them, tell someone goodbye. Now is your chance to say what you need to say in a personal and intentional way.

  •  That House You Drool Over 

You know the one; that house in your town that you drive past and daydream about owning someday. The historic brick mansion with the killer wrap-around porch or the modern black and white beauty with the sharp edges and clean silhouette, whatever your style is: send them a letter. It might seem a little weird, but give it a thought. Let them know that they have a beautiful home and that you hope they have a nice day or that you appreciate how well they maintain it and that it is an asset to the community. 

If it brings you joy and inspires you to keep hustling for the life you want, why not give a shout-out to the people that encourage you and don’t even know it? Plus you already know their address.  

  • Local Representatives

I know that might sound daunting or more political than you were hoping for, but the thing is, there are HUNDREDS of people in your town that work really hard to serve your community. This doesn’t have to be an outright political project if you don’t want it to be. If the pothole on your street got filled or someone made a decision that you really agreed with or thought was a good move, write them to thank and encourage them to do more good. 

If there is an issue on your mind that's important to you, sit down, think it through, and send it to the appropriate person. Add your voice to those that are defending rights and speaking out for people who deserve justice. The United States and countless other nations were founded upon letters and letter writers. You can be a part of that. 

  • Your Favorite Local Hang

Send a note to the local coffee shop that you sat in for nine hours to write your English paper. Thank the bookstore you get lost in whenever you can, your little, Italian go-to date spot, or the boutique that actually offers clothes in your size. Wherever your local haunt is, let them know what they mean to you. Generally speaking, behind every fabulous small business is a very stressed-out individual (or two or seven) who would be so encouraged by a kind word from someone who appreciates all of their hard work. (And don’t forget to leave them a review.)

Bonus #11: YOURSELF.

Here’s looking at you, boo! Nobody knows you better than you do. Take some time and really check in with yourself. Got a particularly busy week ahead of you? Feel yourself falling into a slump? Write yourself a note of encouragement and actually mail it to yourself, so when you get home from a hectic day, your letter is waiting for you. Give yourself some love, a pep talk, remind yourself of who you are and where you’re headed. It’s a double win because not only are you going to ruminate on all the wonderful things that you are while writing it, but you get a fun reminder when the letter finds its way back to you.

Wherever you send your letters, whoever you choose words for, may they make it where they are going and say all that you need to.


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